
"Preludes," a short story by Daryll Delgado, discusses gender inequality in terms of infidelity and its impact on the family. In a Philippine society, it demonstrates how women can still accept their husbands who commit adultery, but it is a different story for women who commit this act. Women who cheated are judged by others as a "whore" who did not preserve their dignity as women.

Body There is a hint of foreshadowing at the start of the text, as Delgado builds suspense for the readers. The first line, "A man died singing," gives us a clear indication of where the story is going, but it is designed to keep us guessing. The concept of made-up imagery is also evident in the subsequent sections, which discussed people attending a funeral for a judge whom everyone despised, but only because from the various ways Chekhov described writing in letters to his contemporaries The most famous version says, "If you hung a pistol on the wall in the first act, it should be fired in the second." Otherwise, don't put it there." This means that every element in a story must be necessary, and any unnecessary elements should be removed. The purple leaves are the Chekhov's Gun in this short story. This is mentioned in paragraph 2: "At that very moment, Nenita the wife, was at home, picking leaves for a medicinal brew." This states that the wife is making tea with the leaves. We didn't pay attention to this detail at first because it seemed like a normal thing to do as a wife. However, as the story progresses, it is repeatedly mentioned as having occurred in acts and can still be accepted by their wives This demonstrates gender inequality in the Philippines. Nenita has no right to confront her husband about his affairs, and the only way she can express her displeasure is to poison him. As a result, this demonstrates the possible impact of gender inequality.
Conclusion Daryll Delgado's "Preludes" concludes by discussing the issue of gender inequality in the Philippines. This problem is also seen in Filipino families, where the husband has complete control over everything and the wife has no right to contradict him. As seen in this story, Nenita is unable to express herself when her husband's siblings disparage her. She is not permitted to commit adultery, so she simply accepts whatever her husband does. Daryll Delgado has effectively conveyed the message in the story. She used gender inequality to highlight a common issue among married couples: infidelity. She wrote the story in a way that conceals a sinister undercurrent. Nenita, the main character, poisoned her husband because he was unfaithful. It demonstrated the impact of gender inequality and how it became a motivating factor for murder. She wrote 'Preludes' in an unusual manner.

"PRELUDES" my essay is focused on why Nenita she'd tears for his unfaithful husband that cheats on her Nenita is a very loving type of wife she had always loved her husband till the end even though he always cheats on her Nenita did not try to hesitate to help her husband when he needed the help of Nenita,The reason why Nenita shed tears is that even though she had always loved her husband he still cheats on her and waste his money for girls instead og buying himself a medicine and in the end he died because of what he did that serves as a lesson that we must only use things for their purpose not on other useless things cause luxury and pleasure may be fun but death is not and when her husband died all that Nenita could do is remember her husbands death and the memories they shared there was this one afternoon that Nenita had remembered the songs that his husband used to sing when he was still alive 
Nenita is the type of wife who will cherish you till the end but there's one thing ik curious about is it Nenita who killed her husband because of the leaves that she used and put in his husband's medicine that part of the short story is what really made me think that why would Nenita take care of his husband if she'd do that and why would she cry and mourn over her dead and unfaithful husband why? Maybe she did kill her husband after all or is it just me? I would be thankful if I'll have a loving wife like Nenita that woul love me till the end that's it i wouldn't be thankful if she would kill le in the end but i think that just depends on how i treat a wife like her and i think her unfaithful deserves it.


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