
• First and foremost, in my opinion, the poem “NOT ALL POEMS SING” is about a person's expression and feelings. It is difficult to write a poem without prior experience and knowledge of the world. Based on the author, it sometimes became a true story. This poem is very interesting to all of us because our existences have been stuffed to the gills including both darkness and light. We seek light through our hopes and dreams, whether through our happiness, our objectives, and our achievements in life. We faced darkness because we live in a sinful world. We faced trials and problems, but those who eventually became our hopes and motivation to start up our lives. Our life is like gold; it is vital and important in the glory of Allah. Because of frustration, bad sights, and a sense of hopelessness, our souls may also become stone or rock. We are human beings, and we must remember that our lives are like poems.
• The poem is written in narrative form and seems to have a free verse structure. And the figures of speech implemented were a composite of simile and symbolism.
• I didn't notice any characters if I exclude the person referred to as "you" by that of the storyteller.
• Side qstns:
• • How does the author look at love and life?

• For me, we must Love Our Lives by Taking Action. We must accept ourselves for who we are. Life is valuable; handle it with prayer. Nobody can give a true meaning to love in the world. Because it can be seen in the action by doing it wholeheartedly.
• What symbols can you find in the poem, identify and explain?
• In this world, I discovered the symbol of our existence. As humans, we are great and privileged to be able to do something for our own happiness and fulfillment in life. We have forgotten to thank God for everything in our lives, despite the fact that he is the only source of everything.


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