Guide Questions

(1) What is prelude? Why is that the title of the story?

Prelude- an action or event serving as an introduction to something more important.

Prelude is something that serves as an introduction. The opening introduction before a literary work begins in an example of the prelude. The romantic overtures That a person makes leading up to a kiss are an example of a prelude.

(2) What does Nenita feel for her husband? Why do you think she feels that way?

Nenita neither feels extravagant love for her husband nor hates him. He's unfaithful, and she goes about her life. He takes the money his relatives sent for his medication and spends it with another woman, and Nenita goes about her life. She seems to be relatively contented in her sphere, and so she continues in it.

Nenita feels that it is not her place to have an opinion, let alone take action against her husband's activities; therefore, she blindly serves her role as obedient wife.
Nenita trapped in a loveless relationship with a person who underestimates and undervalues her existence.

(3) what does her herbalista friend feel about Nenita's husband? 

Guilt because he's/she's the one that gave Nenita the poisonous plant.

(4) Who that man died in the first paragraph?

The husband of Nenita

(5) How do you think he died? What clues in the text helped you to reach that conclusion?

By singing

Because he had sung a total of three songs before he leaves his last breath and collapsed on a chair, so these why the man died .

(6). What is the importance of the dried purple leaves? Do you think that these were used in the story? How?

You can use them for decor.
No because it's just a decor

(7). Who killed the man? Explain your answer?


Based on my opinion I think nobody killed the man because he died while singing. He has sung a total of three songs before he took his last breath and collapsed.

(8)The story ends with the feeling of heat? What are the many meanings of heat in the story?  

In my opinion heat refers as Nenita's love, it's not also a typical love it's a love that can't compare to other , the unconditional love in short.

(9). Why is it ironic that the widow was married to a judge?  

Because a judge married very important to being a judge on married got to know each other a lot of people.
The judge is described as being disliked by his community. He is also not a good husband, because he cheats on his wife and misuses money sent to buy medicine. 

(10) Do you think, with what happened, that some kind of justice was served? Why or why not?  

Simply gave her "a very calming sense of power" to know that she had it. killing her husband, whom she does not love, rather than actually doing the dee.


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