
Showing posts from December, 2021


Analysis: "Preludes," a short story by Daryll Delgado, discusses gender inequality in terms of infidelity and its impact on the family. In a Philippine society, it demonstrates how women can still accept their husbands who commit adultery, but it is a different story for women who commit this act. Women who cheated are judged by others as a "whore" who did not preserve their dignity as women. Body There is a hint of foreshadowing at the start of the text, as Delgado builds suspense for the readers. The first line, "A man died singing," gives us a clear indication of where the story is going, but it is designed to keep us guessing. The concept of made-up imagery is also evident in the subsequent sections, which discussed people attending a funeral for a judge whom everyone despised, but only because from the various ways Chekhov described writing in letters to his contemporaries The most famous version says, "If you hung a pistol on the wall in the fir...